Have a question about THINK!? Find out how we can work together.

We used to run campaigns at specific times of the year, and published a campaign calendar to support this. Under our new strategy, we have moved away from theme-based campaigns to a more always-on approach, targeting our audience with the relevant message at the relevant moment. This means, for example, we will not be running a country roads campaign during July, but will be using country roads messaging throughout the year when our target audience are more likely to be using these roads.

As such, we no longer publish a campaign calendar, but would recommend you sign up to our road safety stakeholder newsletter to hear about our plans going forward.

All THINK! creative is informed by data and research, and refined through stakeholder engagement. Once the communication objectives have been identified for a campaign, we work with our agencies to develop the tone and creative approach. We have a rigorous campaign development process to ensure that our campaigns achieve value for money. For this reason, we’re unable to use any creative ideas from members of the public.

However, we’re always keen to support other communications that raise awareness of road safety campaigns. If you’re in a position to develop the idea independently, we’d be happy to share it via our social media channels if the tone aligns with the THINK! brand. Please tag us @THINKroadsafety on Facebook or @THINKgovuk on Twitter.

The purpose of the THINK! road safety campaign is to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads. Our campaign priorities are determined on this basis. We thoroughly research and evidence our campaign using casualty data, road safety literature and audience insight.

Our target is young male drivers because they are over-represented in casualty statistics. We use targeted media to communicate our messages to ensure that we deliver cost-effective campaigns with impact.

Decades of road safety communications have demonstrated the importance of focusing our interventions where we think the campaign can make the greatest difference to safe road user behaviour.

We continually review our campaign priorities using data and research.

As a government organisation, THINK! does not test, evaluate, promote, approve or otherwise endorse one product or service over another.

However, we’re always interested in hearing about new and innovative ideas to help improve road safety. Although we cannot expressly endorse, we could share information about your app or product on social media if it aligns with THINK! brand values. Please tag us @THINKroadsafety on Facebook or @THINKgovuk on Twitter.

As a small communications team, THINK! does not have the resources to personally deliver road safety talks.

We recommend that you contact the Road Safety Officer at your local council. Or in Scotland, the Road Safety Training Officer. You can find contacts for your area at the Road Safety GB website.

We’re always happy to support other campaign activity that raises awareness of road safety. While we are unable to provide any financial support or approve the use of our logo on activity that has not been developed in collaboration with us, we can help to amplify through our communications channels.

Please tag us @THINKroadsafety on Facebook or @THINKgovuk on Twitter and we will share if it aligns with THINK! brand values and campaign priorities.

Promotional materials

We closed the THINK! shop on 31 July 2019 and no longer offer hard copy education resources or campaign materials. It’s important to us to remain relevant and provide educational resources that have the potential to make the greatest difference to road safety. As more and more people move to digital platforms, we have taken the decision to do so as well.

We have invested in a suite of new, online learning resources that are free and easy to download from this site. We have consulted with road safety practitioners, teachers, parents, academics and the general public in the development of these resources to ensure their effectiveness. Visit the road safety campaigns or education resources pages of our website to see what’s available.


We do not produce any road safety merchandise. This includes reflectors, high-viz jackets and pens or pencils.

With a finite budget, we look for the most effective and efficient ways to make our roads safer. There is a significant cost to producing, storing and distributing merchandise and it is difficult to evaluate the impact that this has on improving road safety.

Thanks for your interest in partnering with us.

The THINK! campaign actively targets young male drivers, who are over-represented in road accidents. We work with organisations and individuals that can help us reach this audience better.

We have a small number of established partners that align with THINK! campaign priorities, but we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to communicate with young males. If you think you can help increase the reach and credibility of THINK! road safety messages then please email us, including details about your organisation and partnership proposal.

All materials available to download from this site are free to use for educational purposes.

If you would like to use any of our materials in paid-for media you will need to complete a usage request form, providing specific details of which asset(s) you would like to use, where it will appear (social media, print media etc.) and how long it will run for.

Please note there may be a charge for this. Our campaign materials are produced in conjunction with third parties and are often subject to usage fees. If your request sits outside of the original usage agreement (for example, it will run on a different channel or beyond the period for which the usage was originally negotiated) it will be subject to additional costs.

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with the THINK! team.

As a government organisation, we have access to a rich talent pool through various schemes. This includes internships and apprenticeship programmes. If you’re interested in applying please visit the Civil Service Fast Stream website.

Thanks for your interest in working with us.

THINK! is part of the Department for Transport’s communications directorate, which is based in London. For details of the latest vacancies please visit the Civil Service job website.

You should be able to access our current resources through the THINK! website. Some URLs or links may have stopped working when we launched this website on 3 October 2018, so you might want to try using the search functionality to find what you are looking for.

There are circumstances where some of our older resources are now out-of-date and are removed. We don’t take decisions like this lightly, but have a duty to ensure our resources are up-to-date and relevant to current road safety guidance and legislation.

If you need to access a previous resource, then the old THINK! website can be accessed through the UK Government Web Archive. Please note that this website will be out-of-date and should not be relied on for references to legislation, advice or guidance.

THINK! is the government’s road safety campaign. We develop communications to raise awareness of driving behaviours to help make our roads safer. We do not make or enforce laws, and are unable to comment on local road safety issues.

We recommend that you contact the Road Safety Officer at your local council. Or in Scotland, the Road Safety Training Officer. You can find contacts for your area at the Road Safety GB website.

Please tell us about your experience of the website today